Sunday, September 28, 2014

Starting our Brownie Quest!

Since we are Brownies now, we have new journeys to go on. Our first journey that we are going to do as Brownies is called the Brownie Quest!
Here is our map of how we are going to earn it.

We have some fun stories to read in this book as we take our journey.

We started out journey by making stars to get to know each other.  We have been in our troop for 3 years but there is always something new to learn about!

The girls also got to go on a quest to find the lines of the Girl Scout Promise and discuss why it's important to them.  

We put our stars on the back of our kaper chart to remind us all that we are shining stars.  This was all part of earning our Discovery Key!

The girls even took home a star to make about their families to show us at our next meeting as we work on the Connecting Key!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Our First Brownie Meeting!

Today was our first day of Brownies!
We are so excited to begin this new journey!  We decided that since the girls are older now, they should have more responsibilities.  So I made this kaper chart.  The girls will now have jobs such as the Brownie Elf helper, the Girl Scout Law leader, the Girl Scout Promise leader, material helpers, Friendship Circle helper, and of course, the snack helper.

They each decorated a Girl Scout that we will put in the pockets when it is their turn.  
As Daisies, we worked hard to earn our petals and work on the Girl Scout Promise.  
And now that we are Brownies, all that we learned has helped us understand the Girl Scout Law.  We made it today using popsicle sticks.  We glued them on to construction paper and tied it with some string so they could hang it up.
The girls had fun making it.  We also played a fun game where we talked about the founder of Girl Scouts, Juliette Gordon Lowe, and practiced our Brownie Circle.
We welcomed our old friend from Daisies back, Olivia!  And we had one more girl join our troop this year.  Welcome Melaina!
It is going to be a fun year!  We have new journeys to take and new patches to explore!