Monday, May 23, 2016

Bridging to Juniors!

Last week our Brownie Troop bridged to Juniors!
We had a whole thing set up! 
Each girl was going to get their scrapbooks that we made at our last meeting filled with pictures of our 4 years in scouting!  They
They also got their bridging certificate, patches, and some Junior Mints since they are now going to be Juniors!

When we bridged to Brownies, we climbed out of an oven.  This time we booked the bridge.  And what it really neat is that it is the same bridge Holly and I bridged on when we were young scouts!

We bought all the girls Junior vests too!

Mr. Nick, our custodian, made this cool sign for us.

We had snacks too like brownies and Girl Scout cookies!
Gracie and Jackie have been in scouts for 4 years already!

We did an opening flag ceremony and then watched a slide show that I put together of all of our meetings over the years.  The girls had no idea and they loved it!

After that, we read a poem about Girl Scouting.

Then it was time to bridge. 
There is Melanie!












We lined up as Juniors for the first time!

Then we had our closing Flag ceremony!

Then it was time to celebrate and take pics!

Congratulations Girls!  We are so proud of you!