Monday, September 23, 2013

Being Responsible!

We kicked off our second Girl Scout meeting of the year by earning our patch on how to be responsible!
We read the story of how our flower friend Mari was responsible and we talked about how we can be responsible at home and at school.  We made door hangers that will serve as chore charts to help us at be responsible at home.
We met with each girl and talked about chores that they do or can do at home to be more repsonsible such as helping do dishes, feeding our pets, cleaning our rooms, and doing homework.
The girls got to decorate their charts and find sticky letters with their names.

They had so much fun doing this.
We also talked about our fundraising projects on how we can sell things like candy and magaizines to help our troop earn money.  It's not cookie time yet people.  Soon!  The girls were super excited about the prizes involved.
We wrapped up our meeting by letting the girls pick up clothespins.  On one side of their chart it says "do" and the other side says "done." They start with their clips on "do" and after they do their chore each day, they move it to "done." Simple and easy and fun.
Plus they turned our really cute.
I hope all our little Daisies will be repsonsible and put their chore  charts to good use!  I know mine will!

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