So we have decided to start working towards our Bronze Award. The first step we need to take is working on journey. So the journey we are going to start with is Agent of Change.
Each journey is always divided up into 3 separate patches or awards. The first one on this journey is called the power of one.
It's all about focusing on ourselves and empowering ourselves. To begin, we sat in a circle and went around and shared why we are in Girl Scouts and why it's important to us.
Then the girls chose a part of the Girl Scout Law that they want to work at being better at and we tied a knot in a piece of string. Then we took the string and had to form a shape out of the string that represented us. This was a hard task but the girls basically formed a circle because they said it's never ending just like their friendship.
Next we got into our patrols again and worked on putting the Girl Scout law in the correct order. It's long and we don't quite know it by heart in the correct order yet so we needed to practice this.
Next, we had a bunch of words that we needed to put into sentences or a story that could empower us. It included words like inspire, dream, me, work, achieve, etc. The girls had fun doing this and it came out great. They all created different words to get us thinking that we are good enough to reach our dreams and there is no stopping us!
Next, we worked on choosing words that best describe us and setting personal goals for ourselves pertaining to the Girl Scout Law.
We wrapped up our meeting by making Christmas ornaments for our tree trimming activity. We made ugly Christmas sweaters and they turned out super cute.