Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Practice With Purpose!

To keep with the staying fit patch we already earned, we next worked on the practice with purpose patch!
The first thing we did was think of a fitness goal and we wrote letters to our P.E. teachers Mr. W and Mrs. Murphy in hopes that they could give us some advice on how to reach these goals.

Next we did a couple of "Just Dance" videos because we talked about the more you practice something, the better you will get.  So we tried this by dancing.

Then we played a game with dice where we had to do various exercises to help us get stronger.

Next we went to the gym and practiced some different skills.
First we tested our speed by having a partner roll a through our legs and we had to run and grab it before it reached a certain point.

We also practiced speed by chasing others while running through hula hoops.

We then practiced balance by standing in a hula hoop and trying to push on the other person's hands and getting them to step out of their hula hoop.  The girls really had fun with this one.

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