Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Inside Government!

Since it was right before the presidential election, we opted to work on the inside government patch!
First up, we heard back from our awesome P.E. teacher Mr. W. regarding our fitness goals that we set for ourselves.  The girls were excited to get these and hope they will help them reach their goals. 
So first up what we did was refresh our knowledge of government by watching a short video. 

Then I read this book about government.

Then we acted out this public hearing activity.  We divided the group into teams with some being the building committee, some being concerned citizens, and some being city planners.  They had to convince the city that building this new fitness center would be beneficial to the community.  Some of the girls had to come up with ways why it would not be good like hiking up taxes.  It was definitely a learning experience. 

Then we also had a script that had us acting out a courtroom drama regarding an alien that damaged public property.  We had the girls be lawyers, attorneys, judges, the alien, and the jury, who had to decide whether the alien was guilty or not guilty.

We then ended our meeting by learning about voting and actually voting for who should be our next president, Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump.
The girls voted on ballots in a voting booth and we tallied up the votes.

The results were in.....Hilary Clinton was chosen as our new President.  Of course now we know that is not the case.

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