Monday, April 3, 2017

Cookie Cook-off!

After winter break it's cookie season!
By now the girls pretty much know the cookies and know how to sell.  But this year since they are Juniors, we had the option of opting out of the prize incentives and getting more money per box.  We had the girls come up with ideas for things that they want to work towards and what we should use the money towards.
We set some goals!

We knew we were going to be doing a cookie booth this year so we practiced different scenarios.  Things like "I already bought cookies, I'm on a diet, I'm not sure which ones to buy" etc.

We then practiced some cookie songs to use in our selling!

Then we watched the Girl Scout cookie video about the cookies.

We took a quiz to help us see which cookie careers could be ours someday!

Then we played Cookie Headbanz!  The girls had fun describing the different cookies including the new one this year, Smores!

Happy Girl Scout Cookie Season!

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