Monday, April 3, 2017

World Thinking Day 2017!

So my pictures got a little bit out of order but we had a great Thinking Day!
All of the troops at Wesmere were there.  Some of the countries that were there included Australia,


and New Zealand.
Here are all the Girl Scouts here at Wesmere!

The girls were divided up and given passports as they traveled around the countries.  So for each group, there was a handful of girls that could present about Brazil!

They had fun playing the game the best!

The girls had a lot of fun!  We ended the event with a big friendship circle.
Here are my darling Daisies!

And my crazy Juniors!

And these pics are from the beginning with the opening ceremony!

These girls got to do the opening and closing flag ceremony too! 

As part of the opening ceremony, we also read a quick story on how Thinking Day came to be!

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